Saturday Vigil at 6.30pm

              Sunday at 8.30am & 10.30am 

South Sudanese Sunday Mass at 2.30pm


Tuesday - Mass at 9.30am

Wednesday - Communion Service at 9.30am

Thursday - Mass at 9.30am 

Friday - Communion Service at 9.30am


1st & 3rd Saturday’s of the month: 10am


1st Reading: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 - 2nd Reading: James 3:16 - 4:3 - Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 

What is a leader, really? A servant, Pope Francis says

During Mass at the Vatican Tuesday, Pope Francis warned that the desire for power and money is an obstacle which keeps us from God, and that true freedom can only be found when we serve others.

"Jesus taught us that he who commands must become like one who serves. Or, if one wants to be first he must be the servant of all," he said at Mass Nov. 8 at Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican.

"And this desire for power is not the way to becoming a servant of the Lord, in fact: it is an obstacle, one of these obstacles we prayed to the Lord to remove from us."

The presence of Jesus changes the world's values, he noted: "The Lord has told us that no servant can have two masters. One either serves God or serves money."

Another obstacle to a true relationship with Christ that often happens in the life of the Church is treachery, or disloyalty, Francis explained. This disloyalty occurs when someone wants to serve the Lord, but also serves things of the world.

The Pope clarified that this unfaithfulness is not the same as being a sinner, because we are all sinners, and must repent, but it is like playing a "double game."

"Play right and left, play God and even play in the world, no? And this is an obstacle," he said.

Not serving God first, the thirst for power and money, are all obstacles to true peace, Francis said, causing us to live in that "tension of worldly vanities."

In order to have peace and serenity, he said that we must ask God to make us into his free servants. Because as God's children, once the obstacles have been removed, that is when we can serve him freely, and not as slaves.

"And when we serve the Lord in freedom, we feel that deeper peace yet, right?" he said. "The voice of the Lord: 'Oh, come, come, come, good and faithful servant.'"

This is not something we can do alone, however, Pope Francis explained, saying that we must repeat the words Jesus told his Apostles in the day's Gospel, that we are only "useless servants."

"And so," the Pope concluded, "give us this serenity, this peace to be able to serve as a free child in the end, with so much love."

Hannah Brockhaus is Catholic News Agency's senior Rome correspondent. She grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, and has a degree in English from Truman State University in Missouri. 


Monday  Closed / Tuesday – Friday  9am-1pm (all other times leave a message on the phone)

 Members of Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne and the Dandenong Deanery

We have a new phone number for St Anthony's Parish: 03 7064 3999

Please use this number from March 2024. Thank you.


St Anthony’s Parish now have an online Donation portal available. 

Scan the QR code and make a one off donation, contribute your thanksgiving pledge,

set up a recurring donation or even pay for your Parish Dinner Dance in June.

Google Pay and Apple Pay enabled. Please follow the link or scan the following QR code.

click on the link


or scan this QR code

Catechist and Sacramental Program 2024


Please click on the link below to enrol your child for a Sacrament in 2024 as well as our Catechist program.


Catechist Program

Our Catechist program is designed to prepare children who do not attend a Catholic school to receive the Holy Sacraments. Please enrol your child to our Catechist program if you wish to receive a sacrament at our parishes.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is for children in grade 3 who have already been baptised.

First Eucharist

The Sacrament of the First Eucharist is for children who have already received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This Sacrament is usually received in grade 4.


The Sacrament of Confirmation is usually received by children in grades 6 to 8.


If you have more than one child receiving a Sacrament this year, please fill out separate forms. All meeting dates will be available on our Parish websites in January 2024.

Key Notices for this week:


   1. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL NOMINATIONS - Every 18 months, 3 members from each Parish of our Parish Pastoral Council retire and we take expressions of interest for their replacements. The PPC is primarily concerned with activities that build community life.  The changeover is in September. This weekend nomination forms are available if you would like to express interest for yourself or someone else who might consider joining our PPC.

     2. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR WAYS TO BE INVOLVED, Consultative Committee expressions of interest identifies the way forward for our Parishes, our vision for the future. We especially need people from ages 18 to 40 or those who are new to the parish or returned following a break from church life as we listen to another perspective. If you would like to have further conversation about joining this group, please leave your name and contact details on the clipboard in the foyer/narthex or leave a message for Fr Brian or Neil on the Parish office number.

    3.Jubilee 2025: Every 25 years the Church declares a Year of Celebration. A think tank is to be formed to plan activities, etc. for this year of celebration in both parishes which begins in Advent. The meeting will be held in the Resurrection Little Chapel on Thursday 3 October at 7.00 pm. All welcome. 

   4. Vatican II Lecture Series 2024 - Join us for ongoing formation in preparation for Jubilee 2025 at our next 2 gatherings. Where: Little Chapel, Resurrection church at 7.00pm. Save the dates Wed 18/9 topic liturgy documents; Sat 5/10, 2024. Further details… see flyers around church.   

 5.   RAFFLE TICKETS will be sold after all Masses this weekend.




22 February at 7PM at St Resurrection

4 April at 7pm at St Anthony's

2 May at 7pm at Resurrection

6 June at 7pm at St Anthony's

4 July at 7pm at Resurrection

1 August at 7pm at St Anthony's

5 September at 7pm at Resurrection

3 October at 7pm at St Anthony's

7 November at 7pm at Resurrection

5 December at 7pm at St Anthony's

St Anthony's Church - 90 Buckley Street - Noble Park - 3174

Resurrection Church - 402 Corrigan Road - Keysborough - 3173